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“ There is no comparison with other selenium products. Prior to the bolus, we used injectable selenium and oral supplements. But with them, there was no way to maintain consistent and therapeutic levels throughout the year. It’s unrealistic to work 1000 head every 3 months. Boluses are wonderful! "

Hart Cattle, LLC, Little Shasta, CA

“ The improvements I’ve seen with the Se 365 bolus are increased weaning weights, increased fertility, better rate of gain in stockers, overall better condition of cattle. We also really appreciate the quick way you get the bolus to us when we order. ”

Mike Holmes, Holmes Cattle Co., Ferndale, CA

“ I’m very pleased with Oregon Tilth’s approval of Se 365 as an organic mineral supplement. I have conducted trace mineral screening on the livers of the cattle I have harvested and the Se 365 maintains selenium levels where they should be. This bolus fits organic cattle production perfectly. ”

Jay Russ, J.Russ Company, Humboldt County, CA

Se 365 gets the most bang for the buck of anything we do for our cows. ”

Marty Williamson, Yokohl Valley Cattle Co., Exeter, CA